Ancient Greek Theatre
Ancient Greek theatre has been fascinating millions of people. Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes and others, have been the teachers of morality, nobleness, courage and patriotism across the centuries. The stories of Oedipus, Medea, Antigone etc, seem to despise the passage of time.
The purpose of this site is to present a brief history of Ancient Greek Theatre, its origins and its position to the ancient Greek world. To present the work of the great Greek writers and to open a discussion forum concerning the ancient Greek theatre .
Our news: Major update : October 3-13, 2015
We are sorry for the inconvenience
This web site is to be considered as an open forum for discussion and opinion - exchange on the topic on ancient Greek theatre. We are willing to help with anything regarding Greek theatre, from student essays to attending a play.
Therefore you are welcome to contribute in any way, with articles, photos, propositions, questions, blog posts etc. We will publish everything. Please send us your message